If you love to play poker online, you might not know it, but you might fit into a certain type of category. Whether you are new to online gambling or have been at it for a while, everyone has a unique poker strategy. Recent studies have shown that players can be placed in a few categories.
Different players will show varying personal and social skills. However, no matter who they are, there are common patterns that are easy to spot. There are about 7 types of poker playing styles. See if you fit into any of them.
This is a type of player who, during online casino poker, tends to call bets but does not raise often. This is despite how weak or strong their hand is. Fish are at times rewarded when they get lucky cards, which come on the board. It might cause them to overestimate their skills. They will usually whine about being out-kicked all the time, and they claim to have bad luck at poker.
At the opposite end of a Fish is the Rock. These players do not take any risks and only play in the top range. The Rock bides their time until the ultra-premium hand appears. They only play Queens, Kings, Aces, and in some cases AK. If a Rock raises you, then you know they have a very good hand.
This person has little understanding of how poker works, and they have no desire to learn how things work on their own. The Newbie is someone who is quite intelligent but has almost no experience. In most cases, they are just naïve.
Maniacs will play almost any hand. They will also re-raise or raise with any cards. They can be drunk or simply wish to have a good time by keeping the action going. It might seem to play against a Maniac. However, they pose a major threat since they will test you often, which will add many swings to your bankroll. They can place the whole table on tilt, leading to a profitable situation for players who stay calm and use the right strategy.
Mr. ABC Poker
The ABC Poker refers to players who do not use any sophistication; everything is done by the book. This player is above a Newbie. This is not a compliment, and they can usually be outclassed with a bit of aggressive play. While this strategy might have worked in the past, playing ABC Poker could put you in a lot of trouble.
The Coffee Houser
These players use a strategy where they try to mislead others about how strong their hand is. For instance, if a Coffee Houser is holding two AA cards, they might make a claim showing their hand is much weaker. This is often acceptable behavior in the UK, but it is not accepted in the US.
These types of players are extremely crafty. They understand all aspects of the game. They also understand all other types of players and they can change the strategy to match them. Besides that, they know how to stay calm, and you will have a hard time reading them. They are good at retraining their good hand so that someone else thinks they have a better hand. These players also know how to read others and make it look like their hand is really bad. Beating them is usually an uphill task.
They also know how to draw as much money out of each game. It is especially so when they are playing with aggressive players. When they find an aggressive player, they understand how to squeeze the most out of them. In some cases, they will fold even when they have many chips. This will make other players have a hard time reading them. They will also make comments to other players to set them up so they can bluff in the future. These types of players usually play in high stakes games. They are not shy about gambling thousands of pounds of their own money. Additionally, they often take part in competitions.
Now that you understand what kind of a player you are, you might want to improve your skills. It could also help you to understand what type of player another person might be. This way, you could try to beat them at their own game and strike it rich. Part of being good at poker is knowing yourself and knowing your opponents.